World Health Organization is offering COVID-19 Online Course with Free Certificate. Anyone with any nationality and from any part of the world can enroll in this free online course. OpenWHO courses are self-paced, meaning you can take as much time as you need to complete a course. The COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines are one of the most popular courses in the current time. 

WHO Online Courses are offered for free. Those who completed the WHO free online course on Corona Virus will get a free certificate. OpenWHO offers two types of certificates: records of achievement and confirmations of participation. 

OpenWHO is the first WHO platform to host unlimited users during health emergencies. It provides you with a fast and free way to obtain the latest scientific and operation know-how. With a dynamic interface, accessible through your computer and mobile device, OpenWHO offers off-line downloads, peer discussion boards and live briefings from ongoing health emergencies.

This 3-module learning package introduces the context for the need for a coordinated global response plan to the COVID-19 outbreak. It provides the required guidance to implement the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response. These planning guidelines describe priority steps and actions to be included in countries’ preparedness and response plans across the major areas of public health preparedness and response. This is aligned with the previously published COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP). By the end of this course, the appointed UNCT lead planners and relevant partners should be able to assess and fill in capability gaps to respond to the COVID-19 outbreak.

COVID-19 Operational Planning Guidelines Details:

Host Organisation:

  • World Health Organisation

Online Platform:

  • OpenWHO

Novel Coronavirus Course Duration:

  •  Approximately 1 hour for Modules 1 and 2 and another hour for Module 3.

Coronavirus Online Course Certificates:

  •  A Record of Achievement will be available to participants who score 80% or higher in the cumulative course assessment for both Modules 1 and 2. Module 3 is free of any certification.

Key Learning Objectives of Free Online Course:

  • Be able to educate yourself and others about the importance of operationalizing the SPRP for the COVID-19 outbreak using the Operational Planning Guidelines
  • Be able to describe the 8 major pillars of public health preparedness and response and initial actions to be taken by the UN country teams
  • Be able to access the full set of actions, performance indicators and resources needed to conduct the preparedness level assessment using the COVID-19 Partners Platform for country preparedness and response plans

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COVID-19 Online Course Benefits:

  • Free to Everyone
  • No Nationality Restrictions
  • No Academic Restrictions
  • Self-Paced
  • Online Course with Free Certificate
  • Essay to Access

Course Contents:

Module 1: Mission and purpose of this program (incl. COVID-19 knowledge):
This module provides a description of the purpose and context for this learning package, leadership words, and relevant COVID-19 knowledge.

Module 2: Country-level preparedness and response:
This module provides an introduction to the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response, and access to relevant information and documentation.

Module 3: Pillars of the public health response:
This module is technical deep dive into each of the 8 pillars of the public health response as described by the Operational Planning Guidelines to Support Country Preparedness and Response.

Eligibility Criteria for COVID-19:

  • Open to Everyone
  • No Academic Restrictions
  • No Nationality Restrictions

How to Enroll in WHO Coronavirus Free Online Course 2020?

Once you have created an account on OpenWHO and are logged in, you can choose the course you want to take from the list of available courses on OpenWHO.

To enroll in the course, click on the button which reads “Enroll me for this course.”

Once enrolled, you can start the course immediately or come back later.

Enrollment Deadline:

  • Self-Paced – No Deadline. 



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